Tips for Branding Your Fitness Business

Tips for Branding Your Fitness Business

How would you describe your fitness business brand? It’s a good question, and one that you should carefully consider. Here’s an easy approach to determining your brand and how it aligns with your goals as a fitness professional.

fitness branding

Your Brand Is Your Word
First, what does “brand” mean? Although the word is bandied around a lot, many don’t realize exactly what a brand is. It’s not a logo, or a color, or even a product. It’s not your fitness business, either. Branding is much larger than that. It’s everything that encompasses your business: your marketing materials and advertising efforts, of course, but it’s also your staff, your customer service, your public relations, your clients, and much more. If someone asks their friend: “How do you feel when you think about the fitness company you use?,” they may say: “It’s so much fun, we have such a good time, and I love how much attention they pay to me,” or they may respond: “This place is all business, the staff is incredibly knowledgeable, and they have several locations that make it convenient for me.” Everything that’s said about your company is your brand, too. You want to be able to control it, or at the very least, to fashion it in the image that you want.

What Audience Do You Serve?
Now, it’s time to determine your niche. Maybe you work with busy moms, or with bodybuilders, or with those who concentrate on cross training. Maybe you run stretching classes in the morning and yoga in the evenings. Whatever it is that you’re an expert in – that’s your niche, and people should know that, because it’s a large part of your branding for your fitness business. This is how you stand out from everyone else seeking clients who are interested in fitness. It’s an expansive field with clients who have a wide range of interests, and even if your niche isn’t large, there are plenty of people who are interested in using your services.

Promote Your Brand
If you know what your brand is, and you feel rock solid as you establish your niche, then it’s time to promote your brand. That’s done through marketing and advertising. Your signage, marketing materials, staff materials, website, online and newspaper advertisements – even the text that you post on Facebook for your business – should all be uniform so that people are trained to recognize your brand. It may take someone 20 or 30 times to be exposed to your brand in order to see what you do. Consistency breeds familiarity, and soon everyone will be familiar with your fitness brand.

Fitness Marketing Solutions provides high-quality branding services for fitness professionals, including gym owners and personal trainers, that includes digital and print marketing, graphic design, website, and mobile apps. Visit our website today to learn more.

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